Strain and Counterstrain

Related Authors: Lawrence H. Jones, D.O., FAAO.

"Principles: The pain of an articulation and its peri-articular muscular tissue depends on its position.

Method: To alleviate and remove the pain in an articulation by passively searching the most comfortable position. Stretching of the antagonists is applied in this position. Search of the painful points localised in the antagonist muscle, manual control of the proprioceptive activity for 90 seconds, and monitoring the painfulness of the point. Gradual, slow, passive return to the neutral position.

Indications: All cases of pain with acute locking of a joint, as encountered in acute lombosciatalgia, whiplash injuries, torticollis, lumbago, post-traumatic cases, and periarthritis of the shoulder. In addition to its application for articular disorders, this slow, non-invasive technique is recommended in some cases of cephalea, vertigo, infantile dysphagia, coughs, epigastralgia, and umbilical pain. The strain and counterstrain technique is an excellent alternative for classic manipulations, which are generally more invasive and difficult to apply in many acute cases."


The Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy Vol. 12 No. 2 (2004), 107 - 112
Reliability, Validity and Effectiveness of Strain Counterstrain Techniques

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

February 2008

J Am Osteopath Assoc. 2007 Dec;107(12):527-36.
Modeled repetitive motion strain and indirect osteopathic manipulative techniques in regulation of human fibroblast proliferation and interleukin secretion.